26.11.2023 - 27.11.2023 | Moscow, Russia

Project event: General Assembly Meeting of the IncoNet EECA project

The 2009 General Assembly Meeting of the IncoNet EECA was held in Moscow, on 26-27 November and hosted by the State University - Higher School of Economics (HSE). Work Package Leaders informed the consortium about the current activities of the project. The meeting was also used for some organsiational adjustments and to discuss upcoming activities in detail. Presentations are available on the IncoNet EECA intranet.
group photo at the IncoNet General Assembly Meeting 


Agenda: Timetable.

Presentations are available on the IncoNet EECA  intranet (subsection: documents/ project meetings) and
on the IncoNet EECA Communication Platform (subsection: general documents). Please note that access is password protected.


The 3rd General Assembly Meeting of the IncoNet EECA project was organized by  the State University - Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow. Representatives of  15 institutions in the IncoNet EECA consortium attended the meeting, chaired by George Bonas in his capacity as IncoNet EECA project coordinator. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Yves Maisonny, Scientific Officer of the European Commission.

During the working sessions of the meeting an in-depth analysis on the current status-quo within each work package was done. The consortium also agreed on a couple of measures to improve internal project performance. Since the project startet on 1 January 2009, it was the right time for halftime conclusions:

Activities to enhance the bi-regional S&T policy dialogue had included a very successful "Policy Stakeholders Conference" in Athens in June 2009. The assembly decided to continue this success with a series of similar events. Conference dates and details will be published in our calendar as soon as they become available.    

Outlook on further events

For exact dates and details please visit the calendar.

"Best practices in Sinece, Technology, and Innovation Policies", 7-8 April 2010, Moscow, Russia
This conference will be embedded in the annual "Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development", a top level event organized by the Higher School of Economics (HSE).

"Benchmarking and Evaluation of Research Institutions", scheduled for September 2010 in Chisinau, Moldova

"Cooperation in S&T Policy with the neoghbours in the East and countries from Central Asia", scheduled for the second half of 2011 in Warsaw, Poland
This coneference is planned in combination with an "EU-EECA Ministerial Conference" and will coincide with the Polish Presidency of the EU Council.