
В данном разделе представлен список действующих проектов, в которых участвуют страны EECA. Проекты сосредоточены на множестве различных областей и выполняются посредством двустороннего и многостороннего сотрудничества.

Проекты месяц

For a wider selection of projects, please visit the English version of this web page.


Целью этого ActionPlan-BS проекта стала подготовка плана действий в области науки и техники для стран в районе Черного моря и его принятия на уровне соответствующих министров. Для достижения своей цели проект включал подготовительные работы по проекту плана действий и организацию двух мероприятий: встреча должностных лиц на высоком уровне и встреча министров.


В сравнении с разнообразными воздействиями климата на агроэкосистемы потенциальные меры по адаптации представляются наиболее комплексными вследствие большого выбора имеющегося человеческого фактора. Целями ADAGIO (Адаптация сельского хозяйства в европейских регионах на окружающую среду под влиянием изменения климата) являются: 1. Выявление наиболее уязвимых региональных проблем путем изменения климата 2. Определение возможности потенциальных мер по адаптации 3. Интеграция в стратегии управления и сельскохозяйственной политики.


ASCABOS – программа по оказанию содействия в создании потенциала в регионах Черного моря с целью развития действующего статуса по океанографическим услугам. ASCABOS был создан для укрепления коммуникационной системы и действующей инфраструктуры для обмена информацией между партнёрами и конечными потребителями. Его целью является возростание общественного сознания и мотивация использования действующей океанографической информации в региональных управленческий структурах.


БОНУС ERA-NET представляет собой проект с полным именем БОНУС касательно научной кооперации учреждений Прибалтийских стран, оказывающих финансовую поддержку. Проект был создан на базе 6-ой Европейской рамочной программы в период с 2003 по 2008 гг. Данный проект представлял собой консорциум, в котором участвовали 14 партнёров из всех 9 стран Прибалтики. Цель проекта состоит в развитии сети агенств, оказывающих финансовую поддержку, и создании условий для деятельности совместной научной программы прибалтийских стран.


Совместный проект стран Черноморья намеревается сблизить страны Южного Кавказа и Европы с целью установления единой региональной научно-образовательной платформы в Южном Кавказе и его присоединения к проекту GÉANT2. Проект включает в себя стратегии по объединению существующих в регионе инфраструктур, реализации связей и оказанию оперативной поддержки для развивающейся платформы.


BS-ResPot – проект, координируемый ICBSS, был создан на базе шестой рамочной программы Европейской Комиссии. BS-ResPot включает в себя двенадцать стран, представляющих собой Организацию Черноморского Экономического Сотрудничества (ЧЭС), а именно: Республика Албания, Республика Армения, Республика Азербайджан, Республика Болгария, Грузия, Греческая Республика, Республика Молдова, Румыния, Российская Федерация, Сербия , Республика Турция и Украина. Цель BS-ResPot состоит в том, чтобы преобразовать политическую волю к конкретным действиям.


Проект стремится развить эффективную и устойчивую инфраструктуру с целью предоставления информации касательно участия России в 6-ой Европейской рамочной программе, а также в мероприятиях Европейского научного сотрудничества.

ERANIS FP6 project

ERANIS - проект, финансируемый Европейской Комиссией в рамках шестой рамочной программы, стремится привлечь большее количество научных партнёров NIS к участию в 7-ой рамочной программе Европейской комиссии.


Цель проекта состоит в том, чтобы улучшить условия для развития науки и технологий инновационной политики в Российской Федерации, в частности в Российской Академии наук, и в оказании поддержки коммерциализации результатов в области науки и технологий в России как на национальном так и на международном уровне.


Европейская платформа предприятий представляет собой новую Европейскую инициативу, стремящуюся обеспечить предпринимателей и фирм во всём Европейском Союзе инновационными технологиями и экономической поддержкой.
Созданная в феврале 2008 года инициатива включает в себя около 600 партнеров в более чем 40 странах, которые предлагают широкий спектр услуг для малых и средних предприятий. Проект «Gate2RuBIN» был инициирован в 2007 г. на базе консорциума, состоящего из трёх организаций: Российская сеть трансфера технологий (RTTN), Российское сообщество центров инновации и технологии (RUITC), Российское Агенство поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса (RA). В состав RTTN и RUITC входят свыше 75 российских инновационных организаций (инновационные центры, центры трансфера технологий, технопарки) из 30 российских регионов, охватывая, таким образом, наиболее активно действующие регионы Российской Федерации в области инновации.

Global SSH

Global SSH – акция, способствующая развитию транснациональной научной кооперации между Европой, Россией, странами СНГ и Китаем в области социальных и гуманитарных наук. Целью акции является как установление предпосылок для транснациональных научных сетей так и тем для транснациональной науки в рамках увеличивающегося в своей структуре Европейского научного сообщества.


Ideal-ist оказывает поддержку в поиске транснациональных научных партнёров организациям, желающим принять участие в программе по информационно-коммуникационным технологиям (ИКТ). Проект предлагает единственную в своём роде веб-базированную платформу для создания идеальных условий для: создания совместных проектов в сфере ИКТ, поиска научных партнёров для Ваших идей, поиска сервисных услуг для оказания содействия в Ваших проектах (ИКТ) в рамках седьмой рамочной программы ЕС.


Существуют специфические проблемы, касающиеся развития ресурсов и возможностей в научно-исследовательской области, в частности, в сфере медицинских биоматериалов в третьих странах (Западные Балканы, новые независимые государства). INCOMAT способствует устранению этих недостатков и стремится к созданию рабочих групп с участием экспертов из ЕС, третьих стран и США с целью расширения кооперации.


Целью проекта INCONTACT является развитие платформы для тесного сотрудничества между странами INCO и НКС в рамках 7-ой рамочной программы ЕС, улучшения всеобщего потенциала всех НКС, повышения оседомлённости в регионах, задействованных в 7-ой рамочной программе ЕС, для улучшения культурного воздействия научного сотрудничества. Срок проекта: 2 года (1 января 2008 г.- 2010 г.).


Проект представляет собой конкретную поддержку действий, направленную на улучшение качества и количества участия исследователей в мероприятиях в области пищевой промышленности.


NET4SOCIETY представлеяет собой проект, созданный национальными контактными пунктами (НКП) в социально-экономической и гуманитарной областях с целью развития транснационального сотрудничества, используя для этого структурированную и удобную в пользовании сетевую платформу. Проект NET4SOCIETY, длительность которого составляет 3 года, способстует обеспечению упрощенного доступа ко всем рабочим механизмам и коммуникации между национальными контактными пунктами, будь то обмен информацией, семинары, мероприятия и т.д., создавая, таким образом, возможность быть частью данной сетевой платформы.


Данный проект способствует налаживанию более тесного и взаимовыгодного сотрудничества между ЕС и странами-партнёрами Восточной Европы в области новых поисковых исследований в рамках 7-ой рамочной программы по научно-технологическому исследованию в ЕС. В транснациональный консорциум проекта входят семь стран-партнеров: Греция, Франция, Российская Федерация, Украина, Беларусия и Республика Молдова.


Целью этого проекта является привлечение научных сотрудников Российской Академии Наук (РАН) и пяти ведущих технических университетов (РТУ), находящихся преимущественно недалеко от Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга, в научные проекты ЕС под покровительством МСК.


RegionERA (Региональная платформа для поддержки научно-технологического сотрудничества между Европейскими и Российскими регионами) – проект на базе 6-ой рамочной программы ЕС в рамках специальной акции по оказании поддержки. Общая цель проекта заключается в продвижении научного сотрудничества между Россией и ЕС посредством развития и укрепления научного потенциала российских регионов и их интеграции в научное европейское сообщество.


Проект направлен на оказание активного содействия в разработке стратегических тем программы с целью устранения важного дефицита в сотрудничестве между уже преуспевающими и многообещающими российскими регионами и научно-исследовательскими организациями Европейского Союза в области научно-технологический исследований.


Цель проекта - повысить качественно и количественно сотрудничество ученых России и ЕС путем создания такого продолжительного партнерства как "ученый-ученый" в области научно-технологических исследований. Проект сосредотачивается на 5 многообещающих и уже преуспевающих региональных информационных центрах как Томск, Красноярск, Санкт-Петербург, Ульяновск, Улан-Уде, охватывая территорию уже существующей сети RUSERA.


Проект «Сценарии по координированному подходу к устойчивому развитию кооперации со странами Восточной Европы, членами ЕС, в сфере науки и технологии» стремится предпринимать устойчивые шаги с целью укрепления кооперации в научно-технической сфере с заинтересованными странами-членами ЕС, а также с Россией и странами Восточной Европы. SCOPE-EAST интересуют такие вопросы, как, например, может ли кооперация в научно-технической сфере содействовать в развитии прочих стратегий ЕС. Проект делает основной упор на сотрудничество с Россией и Украиной.


Пространственно-экономико-экологическая модель для оценки устойчивости развития политики России (SUST-RUS) финансируется в рамках 7-ой Рамочной Программы ЕС. Проект ставит перед собой такие задачи, как развитие и внедрение в жизнь пространственно-экономико-экологической модели в России, которая окажет современное влияние на такие сферы как экономика, транспорт, использование природных ресурсов и окружающая среда. Цель данной модели поддерживать российских политиков, международные объединения в выборе стратегий для развития устойчивых отношений на политической арене.


TECHBRID предлагаемый проект направлен на создание условий и технических механизмов для автоматизированного обмена данными между существующими европейскими инфраструктурами и российскими инфраструктурами в интернете.

Проекты месяц:

    • | Projects of the Month – December 2016

      These EU-Eastern Partnership cooperation projects have made a difference – learn why!

      The IncoNet EaP project partners have prepared a review of selected outcomes of international STI cooperation projects the EU is involved in. Their focus was on Energy, Environment and Health related projects.The result is a list of noteworthy deliverables from EU-Eastern Partnership cooperation projects, which are available to the public. In this special issue of our 'Featured Projects' we present some of these deliverables.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/3020.php)
    • | Project of the Month – November 2016

      PELICO – Peptidomimetis with Photocontrolled Biological Activity

      This Horizon2020 project is coordinated by Enamine Ltd., a Ukrainian chemical and bio-screening company. The other partners are the Chemistry Department of Cambridge University, the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, an the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The expertise, resources and specific knowledge of all Consortium Institutions is combined to achieve a breakthrough in design, synthesis and application of peptide analogues (peptidomimetics) possessing photo-controlled biological activities, with special emphasis on anti-microbial and anti-cancer activities.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2984.php)
    • | Project of the Month – October 2016

      AERO-UA – Strategic and Targeted Support for Europe-Ukraine Collaboration in Aviation Research

      The project aims to stimulate aviation research collaboration between the European Union and Ukraine (UA) through strategic and targeted support. AERO-UA focuses solely on Ukraine due to the country’s huge aerospace potential and comparatively low level of aviation research collaboration with the EU. Ukrainian aerospace organisations possess unique skills and knowledge that can help Europe to address the challenges and goals identified in the ACARE Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, Flightpath 2050 report, the Clean Sky 2 initiative and H2020 Transport.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2951.php)
    • | Projects of the Month – September 2016

      These EU-Central Asia cooperation projects have made a difference – learn why!

      Have you ever wondered about the outcome of the many international STI cooperation projects the EU is involved in? So have the partners in the IncoNet CA project. They have compiled a list of noteworthy deliverables from EU-Central Asia cooperation projects that are available to the public: The related projects have e.g. made a significant contribution to development of national health standards; improved the quality of services in health facilities; trained young scientists in molecular diagnostics; researched infectious diseases; introduced of innovative methods of teaching; or developed sustainable land management practices.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2913.php)
    • | Project of the Month – August 2016

      Intelum – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) to develop advanced scintillating and Cerenkov fibres

      Intelum is a European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) and International and Intersectoral mobility to develop advanced scintillating and Cerenkov fibres for new hadron and jet calorimeters for future colliders. It started on 1 March 2024 for a duration of 4 years. Intelum is coordinated by CERN. The international consortium includes sixteen institutes and companies from across Western and Eastern Europe (including partners from Armenia, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine), Japan and the USA, all of which are experts in crystal growth, scintillating mechanisms, radiation damage and detector design.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2893.php)
    • | Project of the Month – July 2016

      SEEMLA – Sustainable exploitation of biomass for bioenergy from marginal lands

      The main objective of the H2020 funded EU project SEEMLA is the establishment of suitable innovative land-use strategies for a sustainable production of plant-based energy on marginal lands while improving general ecosystem services. The use of marginal lands (MagL) could contribute to the mitigation of the fast growing competition between traditional food production and production of renewable bio-resources on arable lands. The consortium comprises three partners from Germany, one from Italy, two from Greece and two from Ukraine.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2845.php)
    • | Project of the Month – June 2016

      EU-STRAT: The European Union and its Eastern Partner Countries – An Inside-Out Analysis and Strategic Assessment

      The EU-STRAT project started on 1 May 2023 and will continue until the end of April 2019. The main ambition of EU-STRAT is to provide an inside-out analysis and strategic assessment of the links between the EU and Eastern Partnership countries. EU-STRAT will address two main questions: First, why has the EU fallen short of creating peace, prosperity and stability in its Eastern neighbourhood? And second, what can be done to strengthen the EU’s transformative power in supporting political and economic change in the six Eastern Partnership countries?
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2799.php)
    • | Project of the Month – May 2016

      EL-CSID – European Leadership in Cultural, Science and Innovation Diplomacy

      The EL-CSID project analyses the relevance of cultural, science and innovation diplomacy for EU external relations, locating developments in these fields in the evolving global context. Cultural and science diplomacy have played an increasing role in the European diplomatic story in recent years, and the European Union has made a major start articulating the relevance of cultural and science for its external relations. Among the project partners is the Graduate School of Public Policy at Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2757.php)
    • | Project of the Month – April 2016

      RI-LINKS2UA – Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine

      RI-LINKS2UA is a three year project funded under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The project includes a total of twelve project partners, coming from both the EU Member States (Austria, France, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Italy) as well as from Moldova and, of course, Ukraine. The project activities build on the results of previous EU-funded support projects with Ukraine, such as BILAT-UKR*AINA and BILAT-UKR.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2743.php)
    • | Project of the Month – March 2016

      Train-to-NZEB – The Building Knowledge Hubs of Europe

      Train-to-NZEB aims to provide world-class training on energy efficiency and RES in buildings, based on new training programmes, business plans and up-to-date training equipment for a set of training and consultation centers around Europe. Its goal is to improve the knowledge and skills in the construction sector and to provide practical trainings, demonstrations and comprehensive consulting services for design and construction of Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB).The main tasks of the project include design and equipment of 4 fully active training centers in the EU and 1 pilot center in Ukraine.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2676.php)
    • | Project of the Month – February 2016

      Ideal-ist 2018 – Transnational Cooperation among ICT NCPs

      Ideal-ist is an international ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) network, with more than 65 ICT national partners from EU and Non-EU Countries, including Eastern European Partner Countries. The network has been active under various projects since 1996, thus accumulating a wealth of experience. The current project 'Ideal-ist 2018' especially focusses on helping less experienced NCPs from Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) to access the know-how accumulated in other countries and to apply it in a locally relevant and efficient manner.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2632.php)
    • | Project of the Month – January 2016

      WOSCAP – Whole of Society Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding

      The project seeks to enhance the capabilities of the EU in conflict prevention and peacebuilding by the best civilian means. First, it will assess the current capabilities of the EU to implement conflict prevention and peacebuilding measures, and identify gaps, best practices, lessons learned and research priorities. Secondly, a ‘community of practice' and forums for dialogue will bring together policymakers, civilian and military practitioners, academic experts and the beneficiaries of EU interventions. Tbilisi State University, Georgia, and the Institute of World Policy, Ukraine, are among the partners in this project.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2618.php)
    • | Project of the Month – December 2015

      FRESH AIR – Free Respiratory Evaluation and Smoke-exposure reduction by primary Health cAre Integrated gRoups

      Kyrgyzstan is one of the target countries of FRESH AIR – a new 3 year project which addresses the urgent need to prevent, diagnose and treat lung diseases in LMICs and other low-resource settings where the greatest burden of disease is experienced. Members will work together to adapt and test innovation and evidence-based practice in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of lung disease in four low-resource settings in Uganda, Kyrgyz Republic, Vietnam and Greece with high levels of tobacco consumption and exposure to Household Air Pollution (HAP).
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2590.php)
    • | Project of the Month – November 2015

      Vi-SEEM – Virtual Research Environment for Regional Interdisciplinary Communities in Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean

      The overall objective of this project is to provide user-friendly integrated e-Infrastructure platform for regional cross-border Scientific Communities in Climatology, Life Sciences, and Cultural Heritage for the South East Europe/ Eatsern Mediterranean (SEEM) region; by linking compute, data, and visualisation resources, as well as services, models, software and tools. The consortium comprises partners from several EU countries as well as from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and other non-EU countries in the region.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2565.php)
    • | Project of the Month – October 2015

      NANOMAT-EPC –Deployment of Societelly Benificial Nano- and Material Technologies in European Partnership Countries

      The FP7 NANOMAT-EPC project is focused on the application of nanotechnology and materials research in the fields of health care, clean energy and the environment. It involves four bilateral pilot projects with scientists from Eastern Partnership Countries working together with experts from leading European research institutions. Over the course of the two year project, the partners achieved significant results in synthesis of nanoparticles for oncology treatment, development of novel nanosensory devices, high conductivity zirconia anodes for solid oxide fuel cells, and hybrid carbon nanotube electrodes for supercapacitors.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2039.php)
    • | Project of the Month – September 2015

      TASIM – Trans-Eurasian Information Super Highway

      The TASIM project is a long term initiative aimed at the creation of a transnational fiber-optic backbone from Western Europe to Eastern Asia. The project envisages building a major transit route from Frankfurt to Hong Kong passing China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey to Germany. A redundancy northern route passing Russia, Ukraine and Poland is also considered. The implementation of TASIM is supported by Eur@CA, the Eurasian Connectivity Alliance – a platform for policy dialogue and international cooperation between the related governments, UN system organisations and other stakeholders.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2010.php)
    • | Project of the Month – August 2015

      DRIVE4EU – Dandelion Rubber and Inulin Valorization and Exploitation for Europe

      DRIVE4EU is a demonstration project which aims at the development of the production chain of natural rubber and inulin from Russian dandelions. The objective of the project is to set up a new European chain for the production and processing of natural rubber. This will enable the EU to become less dependent on the import of natural rubber and at the same time to respond to the threat of a global rubber shortage. The project consortium comprises patners from the Netherlands (Coordinator), Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Kazakhstan.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/2011.php)
    • | Project of the Month – July 2015

      UKRAINE – UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSS

      The primary objective of the UKRAINE project is to create a broad acceptance of EGNSS (European Global Navigation Satellite Systems) in Ukraine, leading to increasing adoption of Galileo and EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) in a rapidly emerging market. The project aims to foster international cooperation in application development while simultaneously creating physical opportunities for knowledge building and commercial relationships. UKRAINE was established in January 2015. A unique contest to develop a multi-constellation receiver for release on the Ukrainian market was launched in April 2015.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1988.php)
    • | Project of the Month – June 2015

      EaPConnect – Connecting the Education and Research Communities in the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood

      The launch of the EaPConnect project was explicitly welcomed by the Participants of the Eastern Partnership Summit ind Riga, which took place on 21-22 May 2015. The project sets out to create a regional research and education (R&E;) network in Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus. This will interconnect the national R&E; network (NRENs) in six Eastern Partnership countries and integrate them into the pan-European GÉANT network. The partner countries are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1951.php)
    • | Project of the Month – May 2015

      BLACK SEA HORIZON – bi-regional STI dialogue

      The BSH project has a dual objective: It contributes to the policy dialogue between the EU and the target regions, and it also implements a series of concrete activities to address the specific goals set in the call for proposals. These two objectives need to be implemented in parallel, with the policy dialogue level providing guidance, support and endorsement of the project’s results, and with the operational level feeding the policy dialogue with analytical evidence.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1941.php)
    • | Project of the Month – March 2015

      CREMLIN – Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures

      The European Commission has given the green light for a new collaborative project under Horizon 2020: The three-year project CREMLIN (Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures) will create stronger links between European and Russian research institutions in the area of large-scale facilities and enable a more intensive STI cooperation. While Russia participates in European research facilities such as the European XFEL, FAIR, ESRF or the LHC experiments at CERN, CREMLIN should also support EU scientists to become engaged in major Russian projects. The project is to be launched in autumn 2015.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1901.php)
    • | Project of the Month – February 2015

      MYPLACE – Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement

      MYPLACE explores how young people's social participation is shaped by the shadows (past, present and future) of totalitarianism and populism in Europe. Conceptually, it goes beyond the comparison of discrete national 'political cultures' or reified classifications of political heritage. It is premised rather on the pan-European nature of a range of radical and populist political and philosophical traditions and the cyclical rather than novel nature of the popularity they currently enjoy. 13 partners from EU Member States, two from Georgia and one from Russia take part in this ongoing project, which will run until end of May 2015.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1877.php)
    • | Project of the Month – January 2015

      EECA-2-HORIZON – Bringing the EU-EECA cooperation and policy dialogue in ICT in the HORIZON 2020 era

      The man aim of the EECA-2-HORIZON project is to reinforce the development of strategic and mutually beneficial partnerships in ICT between the EU and the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) countries. The overall goal is to strengthen the links and boost cooperation among the research and industrial communities of both regions to exploit emerging opportunities for international partnerships (both under EU and EECA RTD&I; programmes) and jointly address common societal challenges.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1852.php)
    • | Project of the Month – December 2014

      RERAM – research to innovation in resource efficiency

      RERAM is an international cooperation project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission in the field of climate protection, resource efficiency and raw materials. It is one of the few FP7-INCO projects addressing the forest-based sector (forestry, woodworking, furniture, paper, bioenergy). The main objective is to reinforce cooperation and coordination of research and technological innovation between the EU and countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy programme especially in Eastern Europe.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1826.php)
    • | Project of the Month – November 2014

      INTERACT - International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic

      INTERACT is an infrastructure project under the auspices of SCANNET, a circumarctic network of 59 terrestrial field bases in northern Europe, Russia, US, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Scotland. The project specifically seeks to build capacity for research and monitoring in the European Arctic and beyond, and is offering access to numerous research stations through the Transnational Access program.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1798.php)
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      Project of the Month – October 2014

      SUAFRI-EPC – Supporting the Uptake of Agri-Food Research Results into Innovation with Eastern Partnership Countries

      SUAFRI-EPC aims to bridge the gap between research and innovation in Eastern Partnership Countries (EPC) with a focus on Societal Challenge 2 'Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy' of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. The three year project is being implemented by a consortium of twelve partners from across Europe and the Eastern Partnership region.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1781.php)
    • | Project of the Month – September 2014

      ClimaEast – Support to Climate Change Mitigation and Adoption in the Eastern Neighbourhood countries and Russia

      Clima East is a European Union funded project package assisting the Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership Countries and Russia in approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation. The EUR 18 million package consists of two components: the 1st, with a budget of EUR 11 million and implemented by UNDP, consists of a number of Pilot Projects that support the development of ecosystems-based approaches to climate change; the 2nd is a Policy component that seeks to foster improved climate change policies, strategies and market mechanisms in the partner countries by improving information access to EU climate change policies, laws and expertise.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1770.php)
    • | Project of the Month – August 2014

      SECURE-R2I – Reinforcing cooperation with Eastern Partnership countries on bridging the gap between research and innovation for inclusive and secure societies

      The overall aim of the SECURE-R2I project is to reinforce cooperation with Eastern Partnership Countries on bridging the gap between research and innovation for Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 7 'Secure Societies'. The research domains encompassed by 'Secure Societies' are broad and include ICT; Security; Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials (NMP); and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1763.php)
    • | Project of the Month – July 2014

      ener2i – Reinforcing cooperation with ENP countries on bridging the gap between energy research and energy innovation

      The ener2i project focuses on the need to find innovative and sustainable solutions to these challenges, directly addressing the gap between new energy research and European industry. Existing research results are not being sufficiently transferred into innovative processes and products, and in Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Molsova) cooperation among research institutes, universities, and the business sector are at an early stage of development.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1741.php)
    • | Project of the Month – June 2014

      STONE for Genetic Diversity of Stone Fruit trees in Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

      The STONE project addresses scientific issues related to stone fruit (Prunus species) biodiversity. In a worldwide competitive context, stone fruit breeding programmes have to face new challenges regarding the maintenance of high quality fruit production under a changing climatic environment and increasing threats from pathogens. STONE is a four years programme of staff exchange between two European organisations, an associated and two ICPC third countries. This international project funded under the 7th Framework Programme comprises 6 participants from 5 countries, including project coordinator INRA Bordeaux-Aquitaine, France.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1721.php)
    • | Projects of the Month – April / May 2014

      EAST-HORIZON and EECA-2-HORIZON – expanding ICT cooperation between the EU and its Eastern Neighbours

      These two new ICT projects were launched with a Kick-off Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 20-21 February 2014. They form a follow-up to the previous FP7 ICT projects, which have been implemented since 2009, namely: EXTEND, SCUBE-ICT, ISTOK-SOYUZ and PICTURE. The new projects are support actions in international cooperation targeting EECA (Eastern European and Central Asian) countries.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1697.php)
    • | Project of the Month – March 2014

      DEGISCO – Desktop Grids for International Scientific Cooperation

      The FP7 funded EDGeS project has successfully set up a production-level distributed computing infrastructure (DCI) consisting of more than 100.000 PCs from several volunteer and low-cost Desktop Grids, which have been connected to existing Service Grids based on the new 3G Bridge technology and application development methodology. The main aim of the DEGISCO project is the further extension of the European DCI infrastructure and thus, reinforce the global relevance and impact of European distributed infrastructures. Among the project partners are institutions from Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1692.php)
    • | Project of the Month – February 2014

      Socio-economic Tools for Integrated Conservation Planning in the Multi-Ethnic South Caucasus

      This is the first project of CIVICS – the Caucasus Virtual Institute of Conservation Science. The initiators of the project are Jan Barkmann and Johanna Schott from the Environmental and Resource Economics Group from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany. Partners from South Caucasus include the International Center for Environmental Research, David-Aghmashenebeli University, Georgian-American University, International Center for Agribusines Research and Education, Ganja Agribusiness Association, Teheran University and the Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1678.php)
    • | Project of the Month – January 2014

      ERA.Net RUS Plus – Further linking Russia to the ERA: Coordination of MS/ AC S&T; programmes

      The ERA.NET PLUS initiative, which will run from November 2013 to October 2018, aims at enhancing the coordination of research programmes between the EU Member States (MS)/ Associated Countries (AC) and Russia. The project will implement a Single Joint Call for excellent transnational research projects in the fields of NMP, Health, Environment, SSH and Innovation. ERA.Net RUS Plus is a follow-up to the current ERA.Net RUS action that was set up from 2009 to 2013 to link Russia to the European Research Area. ERA.Net RUS was the first joint call activity in which prominent Russian Funding Parties participated in a multilateral funding scheme.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1664.php)
    • | Project of the Month – November 2013

      NoGAP – Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation

      Project bridging the gap between research and innovation and taking advantage of the innovation potential of SMEs based on a better cooperation with researchers, transferring and using knowledge resulting from research. The overall objective of noGAP is to reinforce cooperation with Eastern Partnership countries to develop a 'Common Knowledge and Innovation Space' on the societal challenge 'secure, clean and efficient energy'. The noGAP consortium is composed of 13 organisations from 6 countries of which 3 are EU members (Germany, Romania, Slovakia) and 3 are members of the Eastern Partnership (Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia).
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1659.php)
    • | Projects of the Month - October 2013

      IncoNet EaP & IncoNet CA – STI International Cooperation Networks for Eastern Partnership Countries and Central Asia

      The joint Kick-off Meeting of two new INCONET projects, 'IncoNet EaP' (STI International Cooperation Network for Eastern Partnership Countries), coordinated by ZSI/Austria, and 'IncoNet CA' (STI International Cooperation Network Central Asian Countries), coordinated by IPPT-PAN/Poland, took place in Athens from 18-20 September 2013. These new projects will continue the work of their predecessors IncoNet EECA and IncoNet CA/SC and – among many other tasks – also take over the maintenance of the incrEAST web portal.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1653.php)
    • | Project of the Month - September 2013

      eINTERASIA – ICT Transfer Concept for Adaption, Dissemination and Local Exploitation of European Research Results in Central Asian Countries

      The eINTERASIA project supports international cooperation with Developing Economies of Central Asia by creating an innovative ICT Transfer Concept and business model for the adaptation, dissemination and local exploitation of EU research results. Central Asia is of great importance to the EU as a bridge to China, Afganistan, Vietnam and the Middle East. In the consortium the region is represented by organisations from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1647.php)
    • | Project of the Month - August 2013

      BELERA - Укрепление сотрудничества в исследовании углеродных нано-трубок и фотоники между Белорусским Государственным Университетом Информатики и Радиоэлектроники и Европейским Исследовательским Пространством

      BELERA – это проект поддержки, направленный на стимулирование сотрудничества между Белоруссией и Европой в сфере нанотехнологий. Следовательно, целью BELERA является развитие сотрудничества в сфере исследований углеродных нанотрубок и фотоники, соответствующих приоритетам, описанным в программе FP7 ICT.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1636.php)
    • | Project of the Month – July 2013

      KhAI-ERA – Интеграция Национального Аэрокосмического Университета «ХАИ» в Европейское Научное Пространство

      Национальный аэрокосмический университет «ХАИ» является единственным в Украине университетом, предоставляющим полный цикл высшего образования в сфере аэрокосмической науки и техники. В университете работают более 1150 исследователей, 700 преподавателей и обучаются 12,000 студентов. ХАИ тесно сотрудничает с украинскими научными и промышленными предприятиями, а также участвует во многих национальных и международных научно-исследовательских проектах. Целью проекта KhAI-ERA является поддержка интеграции ХАИ в Европейское Научное Пространство посредством развития сотрудничества с европейскими исследовательскими и инновационными организациями.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1613.php)
    • | Project of the Month - June 2013

      IPERA – Интеграция Института Физических Исследований Национальной Академии Наук Республики Армения (ИФИ-НАН) в Европейское Научное Пространство

      Институт физических исследований Национальной Академии Наук Армении (ИФИ) является одним из ведущих исследовательских центров Армении. Главная цель проекта – интегрировать Институт в Европейское Научное Пространство посредством развития сотрудничества с европейскими исследовательскими и инновационными организациями в областях, соответствующих программам FP7 ICT (Информационно-коммуникационные технологии) и NMP (Нанонаука, нанотехнологии, материалы и новые технологии производства): Квантовая информация, Атомная физика и физика материальных волн, а также Сцинтилляционные материалы.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1608.php)
    • | Project of the Month - May 2013

      SENS-ERA – Укрепление связей в исследовании сенсоров между Грузинским Техническим Университетом и Европейским Научным Пространством

      Основная цель проекта SENS-ERA – интегрировать Грузинский Технический Университет (ГТУ) в Европейское Научное Пространство посредствам развития сотрудничества с европейскими исследовательскими и инновационными организациями в областях исследования, имеющих непосредственное отношение к программам FP7 ICT, NMP, Security и Environment.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1581.php)
    • | Project of the Month - April 2013

      EkoRUS – Внедрение экологических принципов в территориальное планирование России

      В Российской Федерации за последние годы был проведен ряд политических инициатив по преобразованию системы территориального планирования. Проект EkoRUS поддерживает эти усилия по разработке научно обоснованных предложений, которые направлены для внедрения экологически ориентированных подходов на русский территориального планирования.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1571.php)
    • | Project of the Month - March 213

      SENSUM - Framework to integrate Space-based and in-situ sENSing for dynamic vUlnerability and recovery Monitoring

      The SENSUM project is a response to the fact that human society is becoming increasingly exposed to natural hazards through urbanisation, greater dependency on technological infrastructures and environmental change. It is therefore essential to understand the changes in society’s vulnerability, and to integrate this into robust estimates of risk and of losses that follow an extreme natural event. This is especially important in countries such as those in Central Asia, where area-wide knowledge of the existing building stock is lacking, and the urban environment is rapidly changing.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1563.php)
    • | Project of the Month - February 2013

      THEBARCODE – Development of multifunctional Thermal Barrier Coatings

      The project "Development of multifunctional Thermal Barrier Coatings and modelling tools for high temperature power generation with improved efficiency" aims to considerably advance the efficiency of power generation in gas turbine processes by the development of improved thermal barrier coated parts or components of significantly improved performance as well as software products providing optimised process parameters.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1546.php)
    • | Project of the Month - January 2013

      PRIMA-ERA: Promoting and Improving Azerbaijan Research Collaboration with European Research Area

      The PRIMA-ERA project is designed to reinforce research collaboration between the Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (IPA) and research centres in the European Research Area. The IPA is a leading organization on scientific research, knowledge transfer and graduate education in physics in Azerbaijan. PRIMA-ERA will facilitate the collaboration of the IPA with research centres in EU member and associate countries and reinforce its engagement in the FP7 projects in research topics covered by such thematic priorities as energy and nanotechnologies.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1529.php)
    • | Project of the Month - December 2012

      BILAT-RUS-Advanced: Advancement of the bilateral Partnership in scientific Research and Innovation with the Russian Federation

      On 22-23 November 2012 the new project 'BILAT-RUS-Advanced' was launched with a Kick-off Meeting in Moscow. It builts on the success of its predecessor 'BILAT RUS' and will promote the science-, technology- and innovation cooperation between Russia and the EU. European competitiveness shall be supported through strategic partnerships with Russia on a bilateral level and on the basis of mutual interest and benefit.The project will support the bilateral STI policy dialogue between the Russian Federation and the EU Member States.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1512.php)
    • | Project of the Month - November 2012

      BILAT-UKR*AINA – Enhancing the BILATeral S&T; Partnership with UKRraine * Advanced INnovative Approach

      BILAT-UKR*AINA aims to provide a framework to foster cooperation in Research, Technological Development and Innovation(RTDI) between the European Union (EU) and Ukraine. It is firmly based on existing cooperation of the main stakeholders and builds up on the results of previous projects funded under FP7 dealing with Ukraine, in particular BILAT-UKR (2008-2012).
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1502.php)
    • | Project of the Month: October 2012

      PROMITHEAS 4 - Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios

      The project's aims are the development and evaluation of mitigation/adaptation (M/A) policy portfolios and the prioritization of research needs and gaps for twelve (12) countries (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine) characterized as emerging economies.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1496.php)
    • | Project of the Month - September 2012

      SPANGL4Q - Spin Photon Angular Momentum Transfer for Quantum Enabled Technologies

      FP7 Future and Emerging Technologies project. SPANGL4Q is bringing together researchers in Physics and Electronic Engineering across the EU and Russia, to understand the physics behind a quantum computer memory.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1482.php)
    • | Project of the Month - August 2012

      BY-NanoERA - Institutional Development of Applied Nanoelectromagnetics: Belarus in ERA Widening

      BY-NanoERA is an EU-funded project supported by the European Commission under the 'International Cooperation' within the 'Capasities' Programme of the FP7. It has resulted from the EC pilot ERA-WIDE initiative aiming to reinforce RTD and cooperation capacities of the leading research centers in the neighborhood countries.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1445.php)
    • | Project of the Month - July 2012

      PICTURE - Policy dialogue in ICT to an Upper level for Reinforced EU-EECA Cooperation

      PICTURE is an EU-funded project supported by the European Commission under the “ICT” theme of the FP7. Thanks to the achievements of the 3 EECA ICT cluster projects funded in 2009-2011, the ICT cooperation between the EU and EECA is quite developed. However, there is still room for its further evolution addressing specific needs and priorities of each country and building on bi-lateral and common cooperation instruments. In order to accelerate the process of enhancing ICT research cooperation there is a strong interest to support an open, constructive bi-regional policy dialogue between stakeholders from the EU MS/AC and EECA countries.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1432.php)
    • | Project of the Month - June 2012

      IncoNet EECA

      June 2012 is the final month for IncoNet EECA, the S&T; International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian countries. Time to highlight the achievements of the project, including 5 highly aclaimed EU-EECA Policy Stakeholders' Conferences, numerous information and training events in EECA countries, analytical reports to back future policy endeavours, a White Paper on the chances and challenges of EU-EECA STI cooperation and more. IncoNet EECA has also been running this web portal, a task which will be continued by its sister project IncoNet CA/SC (IncoNet for Central Asian and South Caucasus countries).
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1438.php)
    • | Project of the Month - June 2012

      PERSEUS - Policy-orientes marine Environment Research in the Southern European Seas

      is an EU-funded marine research project dedicated to supporting policymakers of the Southern European Seas (SES) to combat marine ecosystem degradation through a framework of adaptive policies. PERSEUS is an innovative marine research project and the first of its kind in scope of activities. The new knowledge resulting from PERSEUS research is highly valuable to policymakers, the scientific community, the media and the general public for jointly participating to achieve ‘Clean Seas by 2020’.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1385.php)
    • | Project of the Month - April 2012

      COMPOSITUM - Hybrid Nanocomposites and their applications

      The project aims to establish or reinforce long-term research co-operation through a coordinated joint programme of exchange of researchers for short periods, and in particular strengthening European position in the research activities related to nanosciences, nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. It also supports the strategic objective of the PEOPLE programme to make Europe attractive to the best researchers from outside the EU.

      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1371.php)
    • | Project of The Month – March 2012

      PESI - A Pan-European species-directories infrastructure

      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1353.php)
    • EGI-InSPIRE - EGI-Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Research in Europe

      EGI-InSPIRE is a four-year project helping to establish the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) as an e-infrastructure to support research and innovation in Europe. EGI-InSPIRE is a collaborative effort involving dozens of partners in Europe and beyond. The project is co-funded by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme (contract number: RI-261323) to help lay down the EGI operational and support processes, as well as to build a sustainable e-infrastructure, independent from project cycles.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1329.php)
    • | Project of the Month - January 2012


      Ukraine as one of the closest and largest neighbours of the EU has a high potential for scientific and technological development. The BILAT-UKR project, which will end in February 2012, focused on further enhancing the bilateral partnership between Ukraine and the EU based on the agreement by means of concrete initiatives in order to prepare the ground for Ukraine’s association to the 7th Framework Programme (FP7). The project's final conference on 31 January - 1 February 2024 will highlight the accomplishments of the project and offer an outlook on the future cooperation.
      [Дополнительно...] (URL: https://increast.eu/ru/1306.php)

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