| calls closed!

IncoNets EaP and CA support twinning activities

These calls are closed! The IncoNet 'Twinning Grants' supported collaboration with your partners to jointly participate in Horizon2020 calls. Twinning is a core activity of IncoNet EaP IncoNet CA and has a long tradition in Europe as a successful instrument in capacity building processes.
Because of the great success of these calls, the funds were running out fast and both calls are closed now.


Твиннинг-гранты IncoNet ВП (Восточное партнёрство) – Информация на русском языке closed!
Твиннинг-гранты IncoNet ЦА (Центральная Азия) – Информация на русском языке closed!

Twinning Grants

Call for Eastern Partnership Twinning Grants: 'Clustering of Scientific Projects and Institutions' closed!
Call for Central Asia Twinning Grants: 'Twinning between Research Institutions' closed!


Twinning has a long tradition in Europe as an efficient instrument in the capacity building process. It was successfully used in the building of the governmental capacities in the New Member States and afterwards it was inherited in many other areas (governmental institutions, municipal organisations, universities, schools etc.). Furthermore many FP7 NCP projects use twinning as an instrument to build capacities in other countries. The concept of twinning typically includes a direct exchange of experience between people, personal presence, on site consulting in the beneficiary country and it is based on trainer-trainee relationships, where one participant in the process is giving and the other is receiving expertise.

The International Cooperation Networks for Central Asia (IncoNet CA) and the Eastern Partnership Countries (IncoNet EaP) aim to support the advancement of the bi-regional STI (Science, Technology, Innovation) policy dialogue between the EU Member States and Associated Countries on the one hand, and the Eastern Partnership Countries and Central Asia on the other. They have an explicit focus on the societal challenges that have been identified to be of mutual interest for these regions, namely climate change, energy and health. In particular the projects will identify actions and stakeholders and will implement innovative pilot activities to strengthen the coordination and impact of the individual actions.

The projects' scientific coordination lies with CeRISS, the Centre for Regional and International STI Studies and Support, Greece. ZSI, the Centre for Social Innovation, Austria is in charge of the administrative management of IncoNet EaP. IncoNet CA's administration lies with IPPT-PAN, the Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Poland.


IncoNet EaP and IncoNet CA Central Information Office at

DLR Project Management Agency
European and International Cooperation
Heinrich-Konen-Str. 1
D-53227 Bonn | Germany

Maria Josten
phone: +49 228 3821-1415